Content by Kristyn

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An Introduction to Therapeutic Journaling

Hello Lovelies!

I hope you are all doing well! Today we are exploring a topic that I am UBERRR passionate about: your personal growth and emotional wellness!!! WOO!!! Whether you are heading back to school or busy working 9-5, this time of year can be especially tough. As the days grow shorter and nights grow colder, it is easy for us to get stuck in a funk of feeling sad, stressed, anxious, or a combination of all three. I thought that this would be the perfect time to announce my partnership the DiveThru Team! I am so unbelievably grateful for the opportunity to work with such an incredible team of positive, motivated, BAD-ASS women who, like me, strive to make the world a happier, healthier place for everyone!

When I was first approached by the DiveThru Team, I was both excited and nervous to embark on this new journey of self-awareness and mental-wellbeing! Those of you who know me know that I love me some introspection and self-care time! While I CONSTANTLY turn to writing to help calm my mind (I mean, that is pretty much how/why Content by Kristyn was born), I have never been an avid, daily “journaler.” That is, until I began using the DiveThru app (I will get into this beaut app more in a moment).

So…What THE HECK is Therapeutic Journaling?

“Journal therapy is the purposeful and intentional use of reflective writing to further mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health and wellness” (Centre for Journal Therapy)

The act of putting pen to paper while you explore the inner workings of your mind and heart can only be described as a therapeutic experience. Think of the pen (or pencil if that is your tool of choice) as a vessel through which your thoughts are transformed into self-growth. By diving deep into your mind and heart, you can learn so much about yourself that you never knew was there, and that is a truly magical thing!

For me, the idea of daily journaling has always been appealing, however, it all seemed very overwhelming: Is this the right kind of notebook/journal? What colour pen should I use? Do I even use a pen or should I write in pencil? What do I even write about? Where do I start?

Enter: DiveThru

This app guides you through a journaling session that is tailored to your current needs. Feeling angry with someone? There is a dive for that. Struggling to have a positive relationship with food? There is a dive for that. Thinking about starting your own business? There is a dive for that! I am not trying to sound preachy here or anything… I am just honestly that passionate about all things that help to improve a person’s overall well-being!

“Harnessing the power of guided journaling exercises, we help you take charge of your mental wellbeing” - DiveThru Team

Photography by @Shawn_Thomson

So… wondering how to start your own therapeutic journaling experience!? It is honestly as simple as finding a scrap piece of paper and downloading a journaling app! The rest is easy-peasy! Grab some headphones and find a quiet, comfortable place. Get cosy, and open your journal. The app will guide you through the rest! I personally love to put on a rainy-day playlist in the background because that is when I am most at peace with the world (but hey, if the rockin’ beats of death metal calms you down then go for it!). It is a completely tailored experience JUST FOR YOU! There is no right or wrong way to go about it!

Final Thoughts…

For me, the simple act of writing by hand is magical experience in its-self. When I write, it is as if I enter a trance and get lost in the sheets of paper in front of me. It is the one time when I am truly at peace and when I can really look at myself and the things around me with crystal-clear perspective. Much like diving into a good book, the act of “diving in” to a journal has the power to alleviate stress and bring happiness and self-love to the forefront of your thoughts. It is a sense of relief to press pen to paper, knowing that as the ink soaks into the paper, it is taking a tiny piece of you along with it to be forever encapsulated in that space. Whether you are releasing negative energy or joyous dreams, writing can transform you and your mind in an exhilarating way.

DiveThru is such a unique and incredible tool that reminds you to take a moment from your chaotic life to focus on becoming a better YOU. Its guided sessions make it so easy and enjoyable to sit down for as long (or as little) as you like and just let those feelings flow! I am genuinely so grateful that this app found its way into my life because it has allowed me to write in such a different way than I am used to. To be vulnerable and leave your comfort zone is one of the greatest challenges that we all face, but when we do the feeling is euphoric.

Well, that’s all for now folks! I hope you enjoyed reading this super exciting, special post as much as I loved writing it! Reminder of the day: always pause to express your gratitude for the wonderful things in your life. While everyday may not be sunshine and rainbows, taking a moment to focus on how the positive outweighs the negative will do wonders for your happiness.

BE SURE to let me know your thoughts on therapeutic journaling in the comments down below AND DEFINITELY let me know if you download the app and give it a try for yourself! Stay tuned for information about my monthly newsletter (coming soon) so that we can share our journaling and self-care adventures with one-another!

Have a FABULOUSLY peaceful weekend my loves!

Yours (journaling) Happily,

Kristyn xo

For more information on Therapeutic Journaling, head directly to the source of the magic: "Everything You Need to Know About Journaling" over on DiveThru’s official Blog!

You can click HERE to download DiveThru 2.0 in the App store and begin your own Therapeutic Journaling Adventure NOW!

Also, be sure to check out for a more in-depth analysis of Therapeutic Journaling!

*Disclosure: This post is in partnership with Dive Thru, however, ALL thoughts and opinions are my own. I only post about products and platforms that I genuinely believe are wonderful.

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