Nighttime Routine: Winter Edition

Hello Lovelies,

Today I thought that I would share my current nighttime routine. First off… something you should know about me is that I am obsessed with skincare on a normal day, but in the winter I definitely go overboard! Skin care is a HUGE part of my night time routine so first off let me list a few of the products that I am LOVING at the moment (full reviews on each product to come soon):

  • Foreo Luna 2 for Sensitive Skin

  • Bioderma Sensibo Micellar Water

  • Thayer’s Witch Hazel

  • Sunday Riley Ultra Clarifying Facial Oil

Following my skincare, I move on to decompressing from the day’s stressors and try to begin winding down. Now, I am someone who is hugely affected by my surroundings (the cleaner a space is the less stressed I am), so I like to create an “ambience” in my room. I adjust the lighting to be warmer toned and cozier by turning on fairy lights and lighting candles.

Similar to how my surroundings affect me, I am deeply affected by scents so naturally, I love aroma therapy! I like softer scented candles before bed, such as Sandalwood or Balsam as these scents make a space extremely cozy and peaceful. I then like to moisturize my body. Anything with oat milk is my BEST FRIEND at bedtime; especially in the winter time as my skin gets extremely dry! I LOVE Lush’s “Dream Cream” body lotion for saving my desert-like skin. It is so soothing, has a light, creamy scent, and is extremely rich without leaving my body greasy or covered in a goopy residue.

I then dive into my bag of essential oils. My favourite bedtime oils include peppermint (which is great for alleviating headaches and muscle tension) and lavender (which is excellent for calming and anti-anxiety properties). I just pop a few drops into my diffuser and breathe in the benefits!

Once I have set a mood that I am happy with, I get into bed and hunker down for the night. A habit that I am trying to break is falling asleep to the TV or scrolling through Instagram. I have instead, been opting to grab either whatever book I am reading at the time, or a notebook and pen. I really like to have some tech-free time before bed as it helps me to clear my mind and relax. I find writing right before I go to sleep really helps me to release anything that I am still carrying with me from the day so I always end up getting a better sleep afterwards.

I usually fall asleep pretty quickly after reading/writing, so that brings us to the end of my current, winter nighttime routine! What are some staples that you like to include in your routine? Comment below and let me know!

Yours happily,
