5 Most Important Tools for Blogging

Hello lovelies, I hope you are all doing well! 

Today's post is going to be a little bit different than the usual content I share with you all but I am quite excited to share it with you nonetheless. I constantly get asked questions about how I write my blog posts, how I started my blog, do I have any tips for new bloggers, etc. 

WELL, I most certainly have some tips to share with all of you - although I would like to remind you all that I am definitely no blogging guru and am still learning every day like all of you! Starting a blog can most definitely be a daunting task, but it is all about finding your passion and sharing it with the world! There is no right or wrong way to blog/write. Writing comes from the heart and regardless of whether you have perfect grammar and punctuation or top-notch digital marketing skills, you must always love what you are doing! 

For me, writing is both therapeutic and a source of entertainment/excitement! Having the chance to sit, get cozy, and let my inner thoughts run wild is a magical experience for me and I believe that having that joy plays a HUGE role in how I write for my blog. 

As much as I love writing and grammar and all of those lovely literary things, there is a little more to it than that! I have been writing for as long as I can remember - both for personal joy and in academic settings

Yes - I was that nerdy girl in grade 5 who would finish her homework and then proceed to research and write essays on space and history just for fun. BUT DON'T JUDGE. I am so glad I did because the more you practice the better your writing skills will become! 

Throughout my years of writing, I have stumbled across a few tools that have become HOLY GRAILS for me whenever I am embarking on a writing adventure. 

Let's dive in, shall we?

5 Most Important Blogging Tools

  1. Webhosting

  2. Grammar Checking Software

  3. Scheduling/Planning Software

  4. Google Analytics

  5. Pinterest

Here we go!

  1. Webhosting 

The first step to any blog is deciding where to host it! I have been a huge fan of Square Space as a website platform for years because of its user-friendly tools an incredible team of designers. Their award-winning web designs are sure to make your blog the best version it could be, and their hosting costs are extremely competitive! 

2. Grammar Checking Software


For me, there is only one grammar checking software that I will ever use and that is Grammarly. I have been using Grammarly to edit school work, emails, and other important documents since elementary school! Throughout high school and university, it was a STAPLE in my daily writing rituals, and that has not changed! I ALWAYS double-check every single business-related email and blog post that I write using Grammarly before sending/publishing.

This ensures that any silly little mistakes are not overlooked and help to make your writing the best that it can be! One of my favourite things about Grammarly is that they have a Google Chrome plug-in that automatically checks all of your emails, social media posts, etc., for spelling and grammar errors - it is so quick and simple! 

3. Scheduling/Planning Software 

There are SO many different apps/software tools out there that will schedule your social media/blog posts and I highly recommend checking them out! One popular tool that I love is Later because it saves you so much time and effort when it comes to making sure your posts go up on time! (Side Note: Square Space allows you to schedule your blog posts to be published at a later date/time which is just one of the many incredible features that you have access too when hosting your site with them). 

4. Google Analytics 

Google Analytics is a MUST for tracking your blog's performance. Not only does it provide incredibly in-depth insight into what kind of viewers are reading your blog posts, but it also is a great way to monitor what type of content your readers like best! (Side Note: Square Space automatically comes with Google Analytics when you host your blog on their platform). 

5. Pinterest 

This may sound like a given but Pinterest can be EXTREMELY useful when it comes to writing your blog posts. Don't get me wrong, I love using Pinterest as a social platform as well, but when it comes to my blog, I like to think of it more as an endless treasure-trove of research and insight. Whenever I have an idea for a new blog post that I want to write, I will first search that topic (or a similar one) on Pinterest. This is a great way to see what content has already been done, what writing styles you enjoy/dislike, and what blogging formats seem to be the most popular for viewers. 

I hope that you learned a little bit about what goes in to creating a blog and enjoyed the content along the way! I would love to hear some of your favourite writing tools (whether they are for blogging, school, or just-for-fun use) so please share in the comments down below! 

Thank you for reading and have a HAPPY MONDAY lovelies! 

Yours Happily, 

Kristyn xo