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Into the Unknown : Facing Anxiety & Depression for the First Time During Quarantine

Hello, Lovelies!

I hope that you and yours are staying safe and comfortable during these uncertain times. With the threat of illness, forced isolation and the financial burden of layoffs, we are entering an unknown era. Our day-to-day is looking a lot different than we are used to, and our routines are broken. 

There is another threat too, one that gets much less media coverage. While some of us are used to dealing with mental illness 365 days a year, some have never felt the suffocating grasp of anxiety or depression. Being so confined and cut off from our "normal" can even feel quite claustrophobic at the best of times. 

I am here to tell you all (whether you have always suffered from anxiety and depression or are just feeling it for the first time in your life) that you are NOT ALONE. Though you may be overwhelmed with confusing thoughts and feelings of hopelessness, fear or sorrow - you are NOT ALONE. You may even be riding out your self-isolation/quarantine alone in your home or apartment while loved ones are stuck elsewhere - but you are NOT ALONE. 

I know how scary it can be to suffer your first panic attack and feel as though you will never be able to breathe or think clearly again. 

I know how bleak and cold it can feel to experience your first depressing day where you cannot get out of bed, and you feel as though you have lost yourself in a dark tunnel. 

I know how terrifying it is to feel like your throat is closing while your body is cold as ice because the walls are closing in around you and you crave nothing more than enough space and air to breathe. 

But I also know that nothing is permanent.

This too shall pass and life will return to normal one day. This will all be a blimp in time when we all had to work a little harder to be happy. 

Until then, I would like to share some of my tried, tested and true tricks for coping with anxiety and depression. I hope that these suggestions will work for you too and will help to bring you some hope and optimism. 

“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

- Albus Dumbledore, Prisoner of Azkaban, JK Rowling

10 Tips

For Dealing With Anxiety & Depression During Quarantine

1 - Write it down 

For me, there is nothing more therapeutic than writing (hence my career choice). The great thing about using writing as an outlet for your feelings: there are endless possibilities! Whether you are journaling, writing short stories or poems, or bringing your fan-fic theories to life, you can reap the mental-wellness benefits. When I am feeling stressed or overwhelmed, I find it incredibly grounding to journal, but if I am finding myself feeling more claustrophobic/bored I opt for a fun short story - something to get the creative juices flowing and escape my own mind. Check out my post on Therapeutic Journaling for more tips!

2 - Get Creative

Trust me, I am not going to be the next Frida Kahlo or anything, but it feels DAMN empowering to just create something new! My personal reprieve is sketching, as I love to bring my favorite characters to life, but painting, sculpting, and anything in-between are excellent mediums to turn your anxieties and fears into something beautiful.

3 - Stretch It Out 

Not the creative type? That's OKAY - you don't need to hold a paintbrush to release your feelings. If you make it a routine to wake-up at the same time every day and perform a mini stretch/yoga ritual, it can make a HUGE difference in the rest of your day. Stretching and exercise help to release endorphins, and helps you to clear your mind and sharpen your focus.

4 - Organize Your Space 

We all have that room, closet or junk-drawer that we NEED to give some TLC. Being stuck in your home can be a great opportunity to finally accomplish that daunting project that you have been putting off! When you organize your space, you feel a sense of accomplishment, and also help to "metaphorically" declutter your mind as well - I don't know about you, but when the space I am living/working in is cluttered I feel claustrophobic and much less productive.

5 - Go for a Walk 

Rumor: you need to have a dog to go for a walk. FALSE. Just because we are quarantined does not mean we can't enjoy the great outdoors! You should 100% be enforcing physical distancing from others, however, you can still get outside and stroll around the block, walk around the park, or journey on a little hike in a local conservation area. Allow yourself some time away from your home to breathe in some fresh air and get a change of scenery. Let's be honest, we all probably need a little break from our significant others/children throughout the day am I right? A little walk is just the cure you need for your quarantine blues!

6 - Open Your Windows 

I have probably said this in all of my blog posts pertaining to mental health and wellness BUT IT IS TRUE. If you are concerned about leaving your home, even just for a little walk, then crack that window open! You NEED to allow your body to get some fresh air, even if it is a little chilly! Not only will your home be getting dustier with the whole family home, but it can start to feel stale as well. Opening a window and letting fresh air flow through your home is beneficial for your physical and mental wellness, and can help provide clarity when feeling anxious or confined. Check out my Healthy Habits: Apartment Edition post for more tips!

7 - Schedule Virtual Hang-Outs 

This could be the single most important point on this list: talk to your loved ones! Just because you need to stay physically isolated from those you love doesn't mean you need to cut off all communication! In fact, when you distance yourself from your friends and family, it is so much easier to slide into a depressed state. As someone who has wanted nothing but to shut people out as a result of depression, I can tell you that it doesn't work! Now more than ever, we need to hold those we love as (non-physically) close as possible! Make an effort to schedule 'dates' with your friends and family members over Facetime, Skype, or phone calls. Why not have a virtual game night over video chat with your family or a virtual movie night with your friends? We just need to get a little creative and we can continue on being as social as we used to be!

8 - Book Bucket List 

Now is the PERFECT time to fly through as many of those books that you have had on your 'to-read' list forever! Reading is a great way to learn something new or escape to a new world. Either way, it keeps your mind occupied and focused while helping you to de-stress. I challenge you to make your 'Book Bucket-List' today, and see how much of it you can get through by the time quarantine is lifted! You've got this!

9 - Movie Marathon 

Not a bibliophile? Try movies instead! Watching a movie can have the same effect as reading a book (and you can video chat your friends in too)! Make sure to stick to light-hearted themes as you are getting dosed with enough doom-and-gloom in the news/social media these days. Like with the books, write out your 'Movie Bucket-List' today!

10 - Bake & Cook Something New 

Get up off of that booty and head to the kitchen! Baking and cooking are great ways to keep your mind (and hands) busy while stuck at home. Is there a complicated dessert you have always wanted to try, or a meal that takes all day to prep and cook? GO FOR IT! You have all the time in the world right now so why not hone a new skill and treat yourself to something delicious? It is also extremely fun to bake/cook with loved ones, so if you are home with your family or significant other, get them involved too! The best part about this relaxing activity? You get to eat something DELICIOUS afterwards!

I hope that at least one of these tips will help ease some uncertainty and stress for you all the way that they do for me!

Stay safe, hopeful and calm during these not-so-happy times!

Sending love,

Kristyn xo