Healthy Habits : Apartment (Winter Edition)

Hello Lovelies,

I hope you are all doing well! Welcome to my second post in the Healthy Habits series! It may only be November 14th, but WINTER HAS ARRIVED here in Toronto! With gusty winds and chilly nights ahead of us, I thought it would be good to discuss some of my favourite “healthy” habits for keeping my apartment a fresh & happy space year round (even on cold, snowy days). I hope you enjoy!

1. House Plants

Now please don’t get me wrong… I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT have a green thumb! I have been known to kill a cactus or two in my plant-growing days, BUT that does not mean that I am about to give up on keeping my apartment filled with lovely plants! Having plants around the house is a great way to keep the air fresh and clean, as many plants help to clean and detoxify the air you breath. This is especially great in the winter time when you are less-likely to crack open a window to air out your house (at least here in Canada) - although I will get back to the window topic a little later…

Here are some of my favourite green babies to keep around the apartment in order to help keep us breathing fresh, clean air year-round:

  1. Dracaena

  2. Snake Plant

  3. Aloe Vera

  4. English Ivy

  5. Boston Fern

These little lovelies help to filter pollution and allergens out of the air and make your home a fresher, healthier place to be year round! I find it especially comforting to have my apartment filled with as much green as possible during the winter months as November to February are some of the darkest, coldest, and all around dreary months of the year in Toronto. Having live greenery around the house helps to transform your space from cold and bleak to lively and vibrant! Watch out fellow gardeners, this is the year that I become a PRO plant-lady and keep all of my green babies alive!

2. Diffusers + Essential Oils

I know, I know… how “basic” right? Well WHO CARES because the Saje Aroma Gem diffuser* that my grandmother gave me for my birthday is one of the best gifts I have ever received (it is quite literally the gift that keeps on giving). Not only is it an incredible alternative to carcinogenic air fresheners (such as Febreeze and other similar aerosol products), but it also works wonders for your mental and physical well-being too! I know that aroma therapy is not for everyone and for some people it does not work at all (and that it totally okay because everyone is different) BUT as I have mentioned in other posts, I am extremely sensitive and susceptible to the scents around me, so I am someone who MAJORLY reaps the benefits of essential oils.

My ride-or-die oils that I ALWAYS have in stock include:

  1. Peppermint

  2. Lavender

  3. Patchouli

For those of you who do not know, I suffer my fair share of migraines and they are not pretty. I have experienced migraines my entire life, and I was desperate to try anything that could even remotely tame the pain. After endless nights of deep-diving into Pinterest, I finally decided to give essential oils a try. Peppermint is invigorating and soothing and offers sweet serenity when I start to feel a migraine come on! I am not saying it “cures” my migraine, I am simply saying the tingly sensation of the peppermint helps to alleviate some of the tension and throbbing, making the migraine much more tolerable (it easily takes my migraines from a pain level of 10 to a 5).

The lavender is my go to when I am having a particularly anxious, or simply a restless night. For me, the effects are very similar to the peppermint, in that I find both quite relaxing. Where the peppermint is fresh and “zingy,” the lavender is soft and soothing. It helps to lull me into blissful dreams, free of anxiety and mid-night tossing and turning.

As for patchouli, it is a gorgeous, earthy and grounding scent with insane healing properties. I love mixing a bit in with my other oils if I am sitting/working/sleeping right beside my diffuser - my skin and I are in a constant battle with acne and as a result, acne scaring and dry patches. In addition to making your home smell AMAZING, patchouli is also great for relieving inflammation and mixing it with a carrier oil makes for a simplistic yet effective acne spot-treatment!

*As much as Saje Wellness is my go-to for all things diffusers+essential oils, I have recently tried (and been LOVING) a variety of the essential oils available on! Not only are they priced EXTREMELY well but they deliver straight to your door! I would definitely reccomend taking a moment (or thirty) to peruse the awesome selections available at! Be sure to check out the link below for INCREDIBLE savings on all things discussed in this post!


3. Fresh Air

We have all been there… wanting to spend all weekend cooped-up inside our rooms our house in general, rather than venturing out into the world. Believe me, I am the last person that will say anything bad about that because I am a TOTAL home body and would GLADLY spend 24hrs a day wrapped in a blanket cocoon in my bed and binge watching all the Harry Potter movies for the billionth time. BUT fresh air, no matter the season, is something that you should let into your house every now and then! You want to stay in? GO FOR IT… just crack a window and let the fresh, crisp air fill your home and lungs for a short while!

4. Natural Cleaning Products

This one goes hand-in-hand with the opening up your windows point… it’s winter and cold so realistically you won’t be reaching for that window latch as often as you should. Now, I am someone who uses more “natural” cleaners year round, however, if you don’t (and thats okay too), then I at least reccomend switching to them in the winter months. It might sound crazy/unrelated, however, if you are staying cooped-up in your home, your space cannot air-out as easily after you spray that stove-top cleaner or use those dissinfectant wipes. Switching to a safer/more “natural” alternative can help ensure that your home stays clean and fresh (and germ free), while still maintaining a healthy environment for all who live there! My current favourites come from the brand, Method which you can find at most grocery stores (or order online: HERE).*

*Thanks to the LOVELY people over at you can save up to 20% your order of household cleaning products by clicking THIS link!

5. Humidify

YAS, I realize that most of these suggestions are related to the air in your home BUT HEY, clean and healthy air is important okay?! Winters in Toronto suck the moisture out of EVERYTHING, and your living space is no exception! While adding lots of house plants will also help to increase the humidity in your home, you may need something a little more heavy-duty than a tropical plant to replenish the moisture in your home! Now, those of you who are in a house rather than an apartment may be okay - lots of houses have built in humidifiers - BUT even they are sometimes not enough to get you through the fridgid nights. There are a TON of options out there for portable humidifiers of all shapes and sizes, so find the one that works best in your space and roll with it!

Does anyone else feel like as soon as Winter hits they are sick for MONTHS at a time!? The Vicks Cool Mist Humidifier is a GREAT option for those of you who, like me, are extremely prone to getting sick in the winter months! It helps to kill up to 99.9% of bacteria, mould, and fungi, while naturally relieving cough and cold symptoms - making it the perfect choice to keep in your room at night while your body attempts to fight off any winter ailements you may be suffering from.

What are your favourite healthy habits when it comes to prepping your living space for the long, cold winter? Let me know in the comments down below!

Yours happily,

Kristyn xo