Weekly Writing Tip #1

Hello, Lovelies!

Through the process of drafting my first novel, working through multiple revisions and re-writes, and getting feedback from critique partners (CPs), I’ve learned so much about the writer’s craft. It really is a beast to navigate the industry as someone with no formal background in creative writing, so I had an idea. I’ve decided to share a new writing tip every single week, in the hopes of helping other writers who are at the beginning of their writing journey.

Tip # 1: read widely and often

It may sound simple, or like a “well duh” moment, but let me explain. As someone who has always been an avid reader, I can attest that reading as a writer is a COMPLETELY different experience. When you read as a writer, you engage with the text in a unique way.

Reading widely helps you to:

  • Discover different character voices

  • Learn new vocabulary

  • Recognize which POV (point-of-view) you prefer to read (and write in)

  • Identify which troped you like/dislike

  • Analyze the character relationship dynamics that make you fall in LOVE or that give you the ICK

  • Learn new techniques for plot development and story flow

What do I mean by reading widely?

  • Explore different types of stories in the genre you’re writing (Indie, NYT bestsellers, etc.)

  • Try new genres: Middle Grade, Mystery, Historical Fiction - you never know where you will find a gem that inspires you!

  • Read stories with different POV types (first, third, multi, etc.)

  • Read stories with different tenses or narrator types

“I don’t have time to read…I’m trying to write a book here…”

If you’re thinking to yourself, how in the heck am I going to make time to read on top pf writing my book, work, life, etc. believe me… I’ve been there. It can feel overwhelming trying to do it all but trust me, it’s possible. It’s all about balance and prioritization. I’m not saying you need to have wild expectations of reading a book/per week. But in the evening when you find yourself scrolling through the endless abyss of social media, put the phone down and aim for 1 hr of reading. I’m also a HUGE fan of Audible and listening to books while I go about my daily routine (for example, while I walk the dog, do groceries, or exercise).

Comment below your questions & share your tips!

Keep writing, lovelies!

-Kristyn xo

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